Beyond Radical Design
I found this reading extremely interesting. I loved how psychological that this reading was, how thought provoking it was. It felt very nature, very straight to the point. I loved multiple concepts.. but I specifically loved the concept they used when talking about the future. "For us futures are not a destination or something to be strived for but a medium to aid imaginative thought—to speculate with. Not just about the future but about today as well, and this is where they become critique, especially when they highlight limitations that can be removed and loosen, even just a bit, reality’s grip on our imagination." I loved this section, this quote specfically. I feel like this quote is rather every artist or designers exact situation. This entire point in the reading makes 100% sense. Sometimes artists and designers are too afraid to step out of the box, sometimes we are forced to comply with the same boring, copy cat and cookie cutter traits that all others have done because we know it goes well, we know its likable, we know it's an easy and affective way to get the job done. But what happens when you step out of that comfort zone? Stop thinking about now, start thinking about what could be? Whether that be art, design or anything in between.. what happens if you break boundaries and try and do something that just .. hasn't been done or something that has been done but hasn't been noticed? How can you highlight that? Compliment it? It's this section of reading that made me sit there for a moment and think about my own art and design.. thinking about what about my art is something that is me or something that has been done a hundred times before. It's nearly impossible to create an idea that's never been done or thought of before but how do you possibly turn something uncommon into common and spark a trend or a new sense of style into art and design.
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