Homework for 11/7/2023


Still want to add a third part to the left of the screen and more things to interact with.

Right now you can create the hat by pressing any mouse button and holding it, and turn on and off the stop light by pressing any button on the key board.

I might create an image to use as the background instead of just using a color.

My code so far:

function setup() {

  createCanvas(1280, 720);


let rvalue = 0;

let gvalue = 0;

let bvalue = 0;

function draw() {


  if(mouseIsPressed == true)


    // Draw the party hat

    fill(224, 84, 180); //  hat color

    triangle(600, 100, 650, 250, 550, 250);

    // Draw polka dots

    fill(255,255,255)//white colorlor

    circle(580, 200, 20);

    circle(620, 215, 15);

    circle(590, 230, 20);

     circle(600, 160, 20);

    // Draw the pom


    circle(600, 100,40)




  //draw the face

  fill(255, 255, 0); // Yellow color for the face


  circle(600, 400, 300);

  //draw the eyes

  fill(0); // Black color for the eyes

  ellipse(550, 350, 60 , 100);

  ellipse(650, 350, 60, 100);

  //draw the mouth



  arc(600, 440, 150, 100, 0, PI);





  //stop light base

  fill(222, 185, 100)


  rect(1000, 100, 250, 600)



  //stop light red

  fill(rvalue, 0, 0);  //rvalue is 0 when the lights are black and 255 when light is on showing red

  circle(1125, 225, 150);


  //stop light yellow

  fill(rvalue, gvalue, 0);  //rvalue and gvalue are 0 when black and 255 each when turned on, creating                                               yellow

  circle(1125, 400, 150);


  //stop light green

  fill(0, gvalue, 0);       //gvalue is 0 when black and 255 when light is on showing green

  circle(1125, 575, 150);






function keyPressed() {

  if(rvalue == 0){ 

    rvalue = 255;   

    gvalue = 255;   

    bvalue = 255;



    rvalue = 0;

    gvalue = 0;

    bvalue = 0;




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