Oscars & Typography.

 This article was really interesting to read because you don't really think of these things as a viewer is partaking in watching the Oscars. In the design stand point it totally makes sense. The people who are on national television should have no indication to be confused or misled, especially at a huge event such as the Oscars. Typography is everywhere and at a live show where you need to be able to correctly read the names of movies or actresses, actors, production, directors, etc, it needs to be done properly so there isn't any mishaps. Having the name in big, bold type of the winner should be emphasized and shown directly as soon as you read the card so it catches your attention. The category should still be presented on the card just in a smaller and bolder font. Although I think the article does fail in the fact that the Oscars should of been more responsible with giving people the right card so this kind of thing doesn't keep happening in the future. 


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