How to Choose a Typeface
How To Choose A Font — A Step-By-Step Guide is an article that offers information and advice on how to manipulate and use text within your own works. The article talks about goals one should be using when it comes to typeface and what is mentioned is using a good typeface that leaves an impression. Not just for yourself or for a client. Your font “needs to strike a good combination of both legibility and readability, while remaining appropriate for the audience and the message.”
The article proceeds to talk about the principles or ground rules of legibility. Legibility refers to the design whether that be the width of strokes, whether or it has serifs or not or even decorative type fonts and how they have low legibility. While decorative fonts are low legibility typefaces for novels and newspapers have high legibility.
Readability is the dynamic interaction of the type of style, size, tracking, leading, color and other properties all combined into one overall impression. Using certain typefaces for what they are intended for is good readability and each type face has its own purpose and spot that it should be used for.
Design, mood and aesthetics also play a huge role in design. Each piece of work should have some overall roundness to It which conveys each of these 3 things. Knowing the intent of your design is important when you are designing or creating. Mood can take the communication or the expression of the design to the next level and aesthetics can be important to captivate what you are trying to use it for.
Breaking the rules is encouraged in design but only after you know the rules
This article had loads of good information and advice and I will be remembering it or referring to it when I create my own designs and works.
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